Ethereum - The Rise on Smart Contract and NFTs

Ethereum is one of the most popular blockchain networks fueled by ever increased new smart contract projects, such as NFTs marketplaces that allow digital assets to be uniquely owned, traded, and stored for value. It’s private, open, and transparent by default - accessible to everyone with the internet.

The creator’s idea was to allow anyone with internet access to build permanent applications (called decentralized Apps or dApps) that others can interact with but cannot change (e.g., a smart contract). The most popular dApps are NFTs - non-fungible tokens. They caught on among consumers, artists, and investors alike as valuable unique digital assets - i.e., luxury digital art like Kittys, Punks, or Apes, all traded on OpenSea.


  1. Potential conflicting objectives of regulation, decentralization, and the network’s primary value - its permanent integrity.

  2. Other issues are the rising gas fee and slow processing time.

The Endgame

Speculation is high in NFT trading with fewer profitable opportunities - perhaps gains will be realized by the firms and technologies facilitating the trading (e.g., OpenSea, Rairble, SuperRare, and Coinbase) and NFTs interoperability across many different applications.