
The real problem we face is not our inability to communicate effectively. Instead, it is our pursuit of perfection, talking excessively without listening and failing to organize our thoughts. This was discussed in the HBR article, ' How to Shine when You're Put on the Spot', published in September 2023. The following are some of the skills and behaviors that can be summarized:

  1. Avoid The Default Response. Experiment with impromptu speaking to connect with your audience and be memorable.

  2. Know That Less is More. Keep it simple. As Shakespeare put it, " Brevity is the soul of wit." Start by having a clear communication goal with an understanding of what is already known by the audience - That will help narrow the focus of the message.

  3. Dare to be Dull. That means, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." First, speak like a human; the moderate use of fillers ("um" and "ah") is effective.

  4. Focus on Listening. Remember to use "Space, Pace, and Grace." Assume positive intent and demonstrate compassion. Elevate your situational and interpersonal awareness to respond graciously.

  5. Organize your Thoughts. Demonstrate connection among specific points, ideas, or examples. It will also sharpen our thinking to stay focused on the essential points only. Then, Consider structuring your pitch or idea like a story, with a beginning, middle, and end that includes the problem, solution, and benefit.